ALC/U Honor Code

Our Honor Code

ALC/U  is a community committed to fostering an environment of diversity, mutual respect, and intellectual discovery in which all students can thrive.

Acts of discrimination and harassment are contrary to the community standards and ideals of our institution. If you have experienced discrimination or harassment, been witness to a situation, or just need to talk, we encourage you to seek support. The resources, offices, and individuals highlighted on this site are available to provide guidance and to help you through informal or formal complaint procedures.

ALC/U does not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability or refugee status.


I will represent myself accurately and completely in my work, my words, and my actions in academic and non-academic affairs.


I will be patient with and understanding of fellow community members, and considerate of their inherent dignity and personal property. I will care for community resources and facilities so others may effectively use them.


I will be a steward for the welfare of ALC/U through a spirit of cooperation, concern for others, and responsibility for the reputation of the ALC/U.


I will be receptive to change, supportive of innovation, and willing to take risks for the benefit of the community. When I become aware of a violation of the Honor Code or an issue within the community, I will take action towards resolution of the situation. I expect others to do the same.