About Us
Wellness At ALU/ALC
Who We Are
We believe in ALU that wellbeing is at the center of your journey as students and a major driver of the solutions that you will bring to your communities. As part of your journey here, we encourage you to develop a meaning of wellbeing that is unique to your experience. Not for you to imbibe an already made definition that may not capture your unique contexts and needs. At the heart of our offerings is an urgency for wellness; a vision for a community that builds, heals, and grows together through a culture of self-discovery, empathy, and action.
Our Vision & Mission Statement
Our Vision is for ALU students, alumni and their communities to always center holistic wellness and wellbeing thinking in every solution that they are providing.
Our mission is to empower our community to define wellness for themselves, taking their own stories into consideration in order to co-create wellness solutions within their own individual communities.
What We Offer
As an African context university, we uphold that the best incubator of powerful wellness narratives is in conversations with others. Therefore, Alive 1:1s are conversations conducted with a Wellness Counsellor to empower, impart skills and hold space to navigate challenges our students may face inside and outside our community.
These conversations are centered around Growth, Leadership, Counselling and Planning.
Support Groups
Our support groups target specific individuals with a specific psychological issue that they are trying to address. They bring together individuals who have similar needs to become one another’s source of support. The universality feature of the support group provides psychological relief for group members.
Peer Counselling Program
This program aims to supplement the Alive 1:1 process by actively involving students in the process of psychoeducation and the delivery of wellness services in ALU. Wellness ambassadors and counselling interns also form a part of the peer counselling program.
Wellness Events Gallery